We passed the test...
...and are now a fully-licensed Food Manufacturer by the Oregon Department of Agriculture! This is a huge milestone for SoyOry, as the first small business licensed to make soy sauce in Oregon. One downside is we are limited to selling soy sauce that was 100% produced in our licensed facilities. Although the current batch was produced using the same process that was vetted and approved by the ODA, we can only offer it as free samples.
What does this all mean? As each batch is crafted and aged naturally, the first full-size soy sauces will be available for purchase in Spring of 2025. In the meantime, you can order a free two-sauce Sample Pack here. Although the samples are free, there is a flat $5.00 shipping fee to cover delivery. You'll also receive a discount code for $5.00 off your first full-size order in the Spring! We see this as a win-win...you get to try some free soy sauce and we're hoping to build interest for our Spring release.
As always, thank you for your interest in SoyOry. We love getting saucy together.