Like special sauce? Wanna help us grow? Join Founder Sauce!
This is an opportunity to help fund us scaling up in Sisters, Oregon. We are moving in to the Sisters Makers building on Main Avenue. Having a commercial space allows us to offer our small-batch soy sauces as a fully-licensed Food Processor under the Oregon Dept. of Agriculture.
Making our sauces in small batches (15 gallons at a time) means we'll sell out pretty quickly. Being a part of Founder Sauce means you always get a two-week head start on ordering new releases and products.
Know someone that likes to get saucy? This makes a great gift that keeps on giving for two years!
We're joining the Sisters Makers community and renting space from them in the heart of Sisters, Oregon.
Discount Code for two free 6-8 oz. sauce products each year for two years - up to $60 value
Discount Code for bonus free 16 oz. refill the first year - up to $26 value
Custom Founder Sauce gift card, with $100 of in-store credit
Free economy shipping on all Founder Sauce orders
Prerelease notifications and ordering 2 weeks before general release
25% off non-sauce merchandise
Random package flair and a special place in our hearts
We won’t be shipping sauce until we have the license in our saucy little hands. Founders will receive the gift card along with some thank-you items and will be first in line for the bonus 16 oz. refill shipment. This is getting over $200.00 in value for $150.00.
Limited to 100 Founders. Sign up here!